Exchange brings people together.

On the flexibly configurable Exchange-whiteboards people can discuss, collaborate, comment and evaluate. Anybody can ask questions and bring forward a motion, make a proposal or just share something beautiful.

Flexible whiteboards

For workshops, exchange and colorful walls.

Integrate multiple Exchange-boards in one site to run workshops and encourage discussions.

And approach different topics on each board. Thus in workshop group A different topics can be approached than in group B and the livestream can be used to discuss everything else, for example.


Listen and participate.

Increase emotion by directly addressing and involving your target group through livestreams.

Livestreams are integrated directly in the Exchange-boards. Participants can contribute proposals, approval and objections. In real time and without having to disrupt the livestream.

Responsive, of course

Reacts to the screensize.

Like everything in Dialoghub, Exchange is responsive through and through. Consequently, anybody can participate, whether it be on PC, tablet or smartphone – without having to give up on the good user experience as usual.


Everything where it should be.

With categorized boards, users can immediately react to up-to-the-minute topics and discuss them.

Additionally, moderators can tag posts to keep an overview and simplify evaluation. And if you want, the tags are visible on the board.

I'll remember that

Participants can remember posts to monitor developments: Are there answers to my comment? How many likes does it get?


Users can signal liking a post by using the Like button. Up-to-the-minute topics and trends can be spotted by sorting posts by popularity.


In addition to text, contributors can upload images to undergird their messages thematically or emotionally. This creates colorful walls that are not only highly informative but also beautiful to look at.